Should you be involved in a non fault road accident, please call Accident First Choice (AFC) who will be able to review the accident and advise on liability and if non-fault basis, manage your claim as follows:

1. Recovery
Your vehicle to be recovered from the scene of the accident. (if required).

2. Investigation
We will visit you to obtain all details of the incident, including any photos or video.

3. Engineer
Instruct an Independent Engineer to assess the damage to your vehicle. The Independent Engineer will liaise with your chosen garage/repairer or an approved garage to agree the repair costs. If your vehicle is declared a Total Loss, the Independent Engineer will assess the Pre-Accident Market Value.

4. Replacement
Provide you with a similar temporary replacement vehicle, whilst your own vehicle is unroadworthy and/or undergoing repairs. Should your vehicle be declared a total loss the temporary replacement vehicle, it will remain with you up to a maximum period of seven days after you have received the settlement cheque. (We will also provide secure storage for your damaged vehicle until the claim is settled)

5. Negotiate
Negotiate with the Third Party Insurance company on your behalf all aspects of the Vehicle Damage/Loss

6. Legal
Refer you to our panel of solicitors should you require legal advice in respect of any uninsured losses (e.g Personal Injury)

Following an accident, you should...

  • Stay calm, keep safe.
  • If required, call the emergency services for assistance.
  • Don't put yourself in danger.
  • Take photos of the overall scene before moving the vehicles (if safe to do so away from the road).
  • Retain any dashcam footage.
  • Record Registration No., Make, Model of any other vehicle(s) involved.
  • Obtain name, address and phone numbers of any other witness.
  • Take a note of the date, time and exact location of the accident.
  • Non Fault - Call AFC

Are There Any Other Questions?

Fill out the form and we will call you back.